
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Secret of Love

This story is about Thomas, he is a boy who felicitous period of eight years old. Thomas is a child who is sick - in pain and half deaf, far behind his classmates in school. The teachers tend to be quickly annoyed with him because he was slow to understand. His classmates treat imitate his like that . It is usual for them mocking or laughing at him because he was doing wrong. The world is not friendly to him.

Thomas has a mother. A mother whom had come after the bad days at school. A mother who is loves him as son. A mother would sit with him at the dining table and listen how bad the days passed.
A mother can be more than just reading a series of words. The mothers can read the sadness and loneliness that radiates from the faces of their children. If something bad happens, he'll recognize it from their eyes, or of how his son was running or from a drooping head.

One day Thomas came home with a letter from the headmaster. Thomas kicked out of school because his brain chaos. Her mother was not angry or anxious because of the letter. He hugged Thomas and gently say that everything will be fine. He knows that Thomas is slower than their peers, but he was convinced that Thomas can learn if the lessons communicated to him by more slowly. He himself had taught him at home. His efforts began to no avail. Thomas began to move forward, a moment later he began designing a new invention, created this and that. Everything seemed silly at first.

When Thomas finally dies, the whole country, all Americans honor by turning off electricity in every corner of America for one minute. Thomas, who was expelled from school by the headmaster because of his brain slow; the usual view classmates laugh. Thomas is Thomas Alva Edison, inventor light bulb and phonograph.

Incredible love of a mother is, so strong to support their children so the results are very surprising.
Let us also begin to share the love to anybody. Insensibly, there are many people need our loves, need our cares.
Love can change the world!
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Is It Important to Choose an Accredited School?

Most of teenagers need to go to school and there are a lot of schools over there. Nowadays, schools grow to offer plenty of choice; private and state ones. However it is a hard choice since there are many factors which need to be considered before making the selection. Some will be influenced by friends; because some friend got to certain school than we go to there too. Some prefer to choose certain school because of the closer distance. In fact, the primary decisive matter for selecting school is whether the school has been accredited or not. Why is important to choose an accredited school?

Well, accredited schools have an edge over the unaccredited schools. This label of Accredited School has an impact in employment opportunities. As result, if there are two or more students with similar qualifications, the student who comes from the accredited school will have an edge over the other candidate. Student from an accredited school has more open door than student with an accredited one.

Many students select certain school depending more on short term factors like friend influence and short distance from home. It is not bad since commuting actually needs much cost. Choosing school which is closer to home will save time, energy and money. However if that school is not accredited, the time and money spent along studying seems to be waste in the long term because it could become a limiting factor in gaining future opportunities.

Accredited school is not the only factor which will drive student’s success. Personality and characterization are very important too. However a student with good personality who comes from an accredited school is better than the others.
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Learning English is Important

Language is the mean of communication. Mostly groups of society have their own languages. Some of them appear the top global languages. Most people in the world hear about English, Arabic, and Mandarin. However English is the most global spoken language. Then if a man wants to catch a global goal, he has to master English.

Everyone recognize that English is an international language. English is used in writing and speaking by many people all over the world. It can be either as a first or second language. We even hear British, American, Australian, and even Singaporean English. Those various names of English are used as the first language in those countries. Furthermore, some countries have their own languages as a mother language but also use English mostly in daily communication.

Besides usage in daily interaction, English is also used as a key to open doors leading to scientific and technical knowledge. No wonder we find manual guides and instructions of many devices written in English. Even if we have a pack of instant noodle, we will see the cooking instruction also written in English. This transfer of science and technique will include many countries in economic, social and politics development.

Finally, the most easily seen in the importance of learning English is that most top requirement in filling job opportunities is the ability using English; active or passive. Job applicants who master English are more favorable than ones who do not. The above facts prove that everybody needs to learn English if he likes to greet the global era.

Even native speakers of English would do well to learn how to use the language properly. Many native speakers of English have trouble with vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and punctuation, which can greatly limit their ability to advance professionally or succeed in advanced training or education. Sometimes, people who can speak English would do well to learn more about their own language so that they can be better communicators.
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Cigarettes, which is a very simple thing, simple, economical but high-kill helpless, indeed the danger of smoking will no longer appear in a short time but in the long term dangers of smoking is becoming and will surely happen if the smoker does not stop the habit of smoking . Did you know that every time you inhale cigarette smoke, whether intentionally or not, you have to suck more than 4000 kinds of toxins, therefore, smoking is the same as the poisons to enter this into the oral cavity and into lungs. Smoking may harm our health and very dangerous, the fact is we can not deny it. Many diseases have been shown to arise because smoking, either directly or indirectly. Smoking habit is not only detrimental to the smoker, but also for those around them.

Currently, the number of smokers, especially teenage smokers continues to grow, particularly in developing countries. This situation is a challenge for improving community health status. Dangers of smoking to health body has been investigated and proven by many people. Adverse effects of smoking were already clearly known. Many studies have shown that smoking increases the risk of spread of various diseases. Such as heart disease and blood vessel disorders, lung cancer, oral cancer, larynx cancer, cancer osefagus, bronchitis, high blood pressure, impotence, and pregnancy disorders and defects in the fetus.

Recent research also shows the dangers of secondhand-smoke, smoke inhaled by people for non-smokers around smokers, or commonly known as passive smokers. When we sick due to unhealthy behavior, it is a natural phenomena. But how about for people who are sick, as a result of the actions of others? It's an unfair thing. This case had been around the people who are forced to inhale cigarette smoke from people smoker around them. Disease that can be suffered by passive smokers is not better than the active smokers. They become easy to suffer from cancer, heart diseases, lung cancer and other deadly diseases. They are surrounded by cigarette smoke will die sooner than people who live with clean air.

Therefore, let us together create a healthy environment, free of cigarette smoke. Show our love to others by smoking cessation. Probably many people said it is impossible, it is too difficult to do. However I think if we have a desire, nothing is impossible. A little thing that we do, will give a positive effect which is useful for us all.
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Do Your Best Confidently!

When I was in school, I was pleased with the activities of dancing. One time there was one incident that made me down. I ever thought to stop dancing, but I persuaded my teacher, and she told me this story. This story made me strong when I feel that my ability just so-so, nothing special. I remember this story well, because I really got a tremendous wisdom.

There was a young girl who really likes to dance. Dancing versatility is very prominent compared with her friends, so she is often become champions in various competitions are held. He thought, with what they have today, someday when she grow up she wants to become a world-class dancers. She imagines herself dancing in Russia, China, America, Japan, and watched by thousands of people who gave her a pat.
One day, in her city visited by an expert dance originating from overseas. This expert is very great, and she has a lot of opportunity to be a world-class dancers. This young girl wanted to dance and show skill in front of the ES, even if it may get the chance to become his disciple. Finally the opportunity came. The young girl managed to meet the experts behind the stage, after a performance of dance ...

The young girl asked "Sir, I am eager to become a world class dancer. Do you have a moment, to rate my dancing? I want to know what you think about my dance."
"Okay, dance in front of me for 10 minutes," replied the expert.
Not to mention the 10 minutes passed, the expert stood from his chair and left the young girl passed away, without uttering a word. What destroyed the young girl saw the attitude of the expert. This girl ran out. Come to home, she immediately burst into tears. She hate against herself. Apparently during this dance that she is not nothing in the face of the expert. Then she took her shoes, and she cast into the warehouse. Since then, she vowed never to dance again.
Several of years passed. The young girl has now become a mother with three children. Her husband had died. And to support his family, he worked to be the servant of a shop on the corner. One day, there was a dance show which was held in the city. The experts appear to be among the young dancing backstage. The experts seem old, with hair that was white. The young mother with three children also came to the dance performances. After the event, this mother of three children brought to the backstage area, looking for the expert, and introducing his three children to the expert. The experts still recognize this young mother and later they talked intimately.

The mother asked, "Sir, there is one question that sprag in my heart. It's about my appearance while dancing in front of you many years ago. How bad my appearance at the time, so you leave me to go straight away, without saying a word? "
"Oh yes, I remember the event. Frankly, I've never seen such a beautiful dance you do at that time. I think you will become a world class dancer. I do not understand why you came to stops from the world of dance", replied the expert.

The young mother was very surprised when hear the expert answers "It's not fair," cried the young mother. "Your attitude has stolen all my dreams. If I have a nice dance, why you left me when I just danced a few minutes. You ought to praise me, and not just ignored me. Should I become a world class dancer. Not only clerk! "

The expert replied quietly: "No. .... No, I think I've done it right. You do not have to drink a barrel of wine to prove the wine was delicious. It also happened to me. I do not have to watch you 10 minutes to prove your dance good. That night I also really tired after the show. So I leave you a moment, to take my card, and hope you will contact me again the next day. But you were gone when I came out. And one thing you have to bear in mind that you should focus on your dreams, not on words or my actions. Then praise? You expect praise? Ah, then you are growing. Praising it as a double-edged sword. Some support sometimes can also make you weak. And in fact I see that wonderful praise given during someone was growing up, that may make herself satisfied and stop its growth. Actually I more like ignoring you, so that it can grow even faster give a praise to you. Moreover, the praise should out of my desire itself. Not you deserve require praise from others. "
"You see, this is really just a small matter. I wish you at that time not ignoring what is happening and keep dancing, maybe today you have become a world-class dancers.

Guys, from this story I wanna share to you that when the life seems cannot give us an opportunity to be a success person, don’t give up..! We should do our best to make it happen. If we just wait and wait, I believe nothing will change in our life. Don’t wait until we get a good situation to do it, but do it to get a good situation. Hopefully this story can changes our mind

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Everything Happens for a Reason

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there... to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be but when you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment that they will affect your life in some profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection you realize that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower or heart.

Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.

Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity..... all occurs to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere, safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet affect your life. The successes and downfalls that you experience can create who you are, and the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.

If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart, forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart to.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because they are teaching you to love and open your heart and eyes to little things.

Make every day count.

Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again.

Talk to people you have never talked to before, and actually listen.

Let yourself fall in love, break free and set your sights high.

Hold your head up because you have every right to.

Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will believe in you.

Create your own life and then go out and live it.
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Thursday, June 3, 2010


In this section, I will begin with an old story that I have ever read. This is about a pair of grandparents who faithfully until the end of their lives. Actually what makes them so loved one another? Narrated, each time these grandparents ate, the grandfather always give the fish head to Grandma. On the contrary, the grandmother gave fishtail to the grandfather. This goes on constantly in their lives, exactly when dining with dishes of fish. At the moment, the grandmother protests with grandfather, she said, "why do you always give me the fish head? Actually I do not like it!". The grandfather, seemed surprised by grandmother’s statement, then the grandfather said, "I also do not like fishtail." both of them silent for a long while looking at each other. the grandfather then said, "The part of fish that I like to eat is the head, I loved you, so I thought it would be better if I give you something that I want for you. And you always gave me the fishtail, although I don’t like it I tried to eat".

The grandmother began to glisten, she was touched by the grandfather statement's, then said, "I most like to eat fishtail, but I give unto you, that I want show my love by giving what I like and I tried to like fish head also because I don’t want make you feel disappointed."
From the story above, what do you get? Honestly, while read this story, I got a valuable lesson, to love others by do our best. In this case, the grandma and grandpa love each other with share the something that they like. Yes, this is indeed very difficult, as most humans are born selfish creatures. Let alone to provide what we like, sometimes things we do not like though is difficult to give to others. It's not easy to build a character who wants to socialize with other creatures, but we could have done if he had the intention.

"A true love could make them deeper in love"

I want to discuss about love, because it's quite interesting to me (in essence, I'm interested in studying psychology =)
after observation, I think there are two types of humans in terms of love.
I will try to explain it below.

1. I love you because ....
This type has a love that's not true. Why? Because he loves someone for one of importance.What will happen with our world if everyone had a love like this?
>, <

2. I loved you, though ...
This love is truly extraordinary, and not everyone can do it. Indeed, quite difficult, but this love is the most beautiful we should do. This kind of love is what I will say in this topic.
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