
Thursday, June 3, 2010


In this section, I will begin with an old story that I have ever read. This is about a pair of grandparents who faithfully until the end of their lives. Actually what makes them so loved one another? Narrated, each time these grandparents ate, the grandfather always give the fish head to Grandma. On the contrary, the grandmother gave fishtail to the grandfather. This goes on constantly in their lives, exactly when dining with dishes of fish. At the moment, the grandmother protests with grandfather, she said, "why do you always give me the fish head? Actually I do not like it!". The grandfather, seemed surprised by grandmother’s statement, then the grandfather said, "I also do not like fishtail." both of them silent for a long while looking at each other. the grandfather then said, "The part of fish that I like to eat is the head, I loved you, so I thought it would be better if I give you something that I want for you. And you always gave me the fishtail, although I don’t like it I tried to eat".

The grandmother began to glisten, she was touched by the grandfather statement's, then said, "I most like to eat fishtail, but I give unto you, that I want show my love by giving what I like and I tried to like fish head also because I don’t want make you feel disappointed."
From the story above, what do you get? Honestly, while read this story, I got a valuable lesson, to love others by do our best. In this case, the grandma and grandpa love each other with share the something that they like. Yes, this is indeed very difficult, as most humans are born selfish creatures. Let alone to provide what we like, sometimes things we do not like though is difficult to give to others. It's not easy to build a character who wants to socialize with other creatures, but we could have done if he had the intention.

"A true love could make them deeper in love"

I want to discuss about love, because it's quite interesting to me (in essence, I'm interested in studying psychology =)
after observation, I think there are two types of humans in terms of love.
I will try to explain it below.

1. I love you because ....
This type has a love that's not true. Why? Because he loves someone for one of importance.What will happen with our world if everyone had a love like this?
>, <

2. I loved you, though ...
This love is truly extraordinary, and not everyone can do it. Indeed, quite difficult, but this love is the most beautiful we should do. This kind of love is what I will say in this topic.

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